P.B.Dionisio & Co., Inc. – The Pioneer in Firearms and Ammunition in the Philippines – News
On May 29, 2013, President Benigno S. Aquino III, signed into law, Republic Act. No.…
On May 29, 2013, President Benigno S. Aquino III, signed Rebuplic Act. No. 10591:…
P.B.Dionisio Guns and Ammo is proud to be a participant at the 21st Defense &…
P.B.Dionisio Guns and Ammo is proud to be a participant at the 21st Defense &…
From the PNP website: All licensed gun-owners applying for gun-carrying privileges are…
The P.B.Dionisio Guns and Ammo Store has everything for your shooting and security…
The gun ban is over. The P.B.Dionisio Guns and Ammo store’s “Extravagunza…
Opening on 10 AM, April 26, 2013, the newest P.B.Dionisio Guns and Ammo Store, Davao…
Come to the AFAD’s 1st Firearms Enthusiasts Day. April 20, 2013, 3pm-7pm…
Come to the AFAD’s 1st Firearms Enthusiasts Day. April 20, 2013, 3pm-7pm…