Featured News from PBDionisio Gun Store.
Getting your LTOPF is hassle free with PB Dionisio. NO FIREARM PURCHASE REQUIRED.…
Which one did Coco Martin pick? When “The Bourne Legacy” was filming in…
Look for these icons when you walk into the store to see what items are on sale that…
We can help you with our simple 3-Step LTOPF Assistance (no firearm purchase…
EXTENDED TO JULY 31! PB Dionisio – DSAS Sale. Take advantage of discounted…
30% of all items in this booklet when you call your nearest branch and mention…
We’ve studied and streamlined the process to make it easier for you. It’s…
To celebrate the new year, P.B. Dionisio & Co. Inc. is holding its ExtravaGUNzang…