Featured News from PBDionisio Gun Store.
BE READY to save 25% off on selected firearm models each month!For the month of…
BE READY to save 50% off on our Birthday Month Promo!Here's a treat for you on your…
You've got the power on 02.25.21!Yes, You! You've got the power to get remarkable…
BE READY to enjoy our Love is in the Range Promo!Are you looking for a unique date…
We can help! Contact us today: +632 411-7444
On July 1 we are opening our new branch located at: 4th Floor Krame E-Arcade Bldg. 107…
P. B. DIONISIO & CO., Inc.’s shooting range was one of the first indoor ranges in…
Learn to be one #ToughMother! Self-defense for mothers, daughters and the men in their…
Everything you need in one box… Click here for specifications.
YES, YOU CAN! Take advantage of our Gun Ban Sale & Firing Range Promo today! YES…