The P.B.Dionisio Shooting Range will be closed to the public on Oct. 27, 2012. The…
Full article found here Southwick Associates recently announced the brands hunters and…
Model 1100 Tacticals are chambered for 2 3/4″ rounds and are available with…
Born of the gunmaking expertise that brought you the best-selling, most trusted…
The new standard for reliability in autoloading shotguns. VERSA MAX® shatters…
Sure as autumn arrives, the Model 870™ Wingmaster® rises to meet another day in the…
The Model 1100 Sporting Series has four gauges to choose from. Designed to meet any…
An ideal 12-gauge utility gun featuring an 18″ fixed Cylinder choke barrel,…
An ideal 12-gauge utility gun featuring an 18″ fixed Cylinder choke barrel,…
In New England’s Gun Valley, gun making is a tradition that stretches back for…